Sandra A Doron LCSW
Dear Sandra:
After reading your letter about relationships between mothers and
adult daughters, I would like to share my concern about my adult son. He
lives with his girlfriend, and I see very little of him. I want to see
and talk with him more often, but I am afraid that if I express my
disappointment, it will boomerang and could make matters worse. I feel I
have to walk on eggshells with him. Where-Has-My-Son-Gone?
Dear Where-Has-My-Son-Gone:
Wow! You have raised a universal issue that is familiar to most
mothers with adult sons. Thank you so much for writing to me, so that I
can identify some of the issues that make it so much more difficult to
talk with our sons than with our daughters. Our daughters usually feel
comfortable with “talking” and sharing their most intimate feelings and
experiences. However, as many mothers know, sons have a much harder time
talking about their feelings.
The primary task of adolescence is to establish a separate identity
and many boys begin this process by “rejecting” (usually temporarily)
their mothers. Boys can feel ashamed of the closeness and love they feel
towards their mothers. They often feel embarrassed to be seen with their
mothers or to kiss their mothers. To be called a “mommy’s boy” is the
greatest indignity of all. Mothers grow afraid of raising “sissies”, and
so mothers and their adolescent sons withdraw from each other.
Though this is a normal part of the developmental process, not
resolving it by early adulthood can have painful, even tragic
consequences. In reality, we find that men who are truly close to women
and other men are more secure in their identity and thus more masculine
than men who are afraid of closeness and openness. Our adult sons who
have a healthy and close relationship with their mothers usually make
more loving and compassionate adult partners. The following
recommendations for improved communication with your son may be helpful:
1. Be as specific as you can. Our sons use words in order to get
things done, so requests such as “I’d love to meet with you every week”
or: “I would appreciate your calling me every week.” convey language
that our sons naturally understand, and focus on what needs to be
done—in other words, on behavior, not on feelings. As you may have
observed, our sons tune us out when we give a long explanation, or
cushion a request with a lot of verbiage. In addition, suggesting that
you do something together will probably lead to a more positive response
than asking for a “chat.” If your son likes gardening or cooking, he may
be willing to do it with you. These activities will likely generate more
comfortable dialogue. Taking a walk together is often a good way to
generate a meaningful, more intimate discussion.
2. Word your request positively, not negatively. Threats almost never
work and almost always backfire. Your son may feel powerless, scared, or
angry if he thinks he is giving in to you. “I feel terrific when you
drop by and surprise me” is an example of a positive request.
3. Avoid rhetorical questions such as: “How could you possibly have
forgotten?” or, “Why didn’t you come by when you said you would?” These
questions imply incompetence; he is likely to feel attacked or
criticized. Directing anger in a more clear and direct way is often more
readily heard. “I am disappointed because this is the third time you
said you were coming for dinner, and didn’t.” This comment addresses the
specific behavior and not the person or character.
4. Brainstorm with your son for solutions. If he tells you that he
has no time, ask him to suggest some alternative ways you could see him.
Meeting you for lunch or dinner once a week near his work may be easier
for him than coming to your home.
5. Make a list of topics that your son likes to talk about. Does he
enjoy politics, religion, sports, computers? If so, you may want to read
about these topics, and bring them up at an appropriate time. These
topics are safe, and may lead to discussion of more personal issues.
Mothers need to be acknowledged and appreciated, just as their adult
sons do. But receiving such acknowledgement from your son may not happen
for some time. Give your son a lot of positive reinforcement for the
wonderful things he does, and for the wonderful adult he has become. You
do not mention your relationship with his girlfriend, but if you like
her, he may be happy to speak to you about her—and you may want to call
and see her from time to time. This would make her feel valued by you as
a separate person, not only as your son’s girlfriend. Your son may
respond positively, also, to this kind of effort and interest on your
To readers of this column who have a similar situation, I would
welcome hearing from you.
Sandra A Doron is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker A & A Couples
Counseling Acknowledge and Appreciate (Keys to a Successful